Crichton Foundation, Grierson House, Crichton University Campus, Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4ZE | 01387 203908  

Upcoming Events

Please contact the Foundation office for information and tickets for all Crichton Foundation events.

The Foundation hosts two major fundraising events each year including the Women of Dumfries and Galloway Lunch. In addition we organise the Crichton Conversations, a series of lectures that attract high calibre speakers pre-eminent in their fields giving audiences an opportunity to debate a range of topical subjects of relevance to today’s Scotland.

If you would like a copy of the Crichton Conversation programme please contact the Foundation by completing the form on the ‘Contact Us‘ page of this web site.

To book your place at the Crichton Conversations please email or telephone 07871 475930 or 01387 203908. All Crichton Foundation events must be booked through the Foundation office. Please note that although our events are held at Easterbrook Hall bookings cannot be made there.

If you would like to be included in the mailing list for future events please contact us using the details above.


Crichton Conversation with Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli FRSE AcSS

The Crichton Foundation invites you to join us for the next Crichton Conversation. This will take place in the Duncan Rooms, Easterbrook Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4TA. Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli FRSE AcSS  Thursday 20th February 2025, 7:30 pm (doors open 6:30 pm with tea and coffee available)  ‘A University for the World’ – […]

Time: 7:30pm
Speaker: Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli FRSE AcSS
Ticket Price: 0
See more info >

Tea Dance

As part of our 25th Anniversary celebrations we are partnering with A’ The Airts in Sanquhar to host a Tea Dance. This will take place in Sanquhar Town Hall on Friday 28th February 2025 from 1 to 3:30 pm. Scottish and traditional music with Stuart Hope. Dances led by Carolyn Murdoch. Afternoon tea provided by […]

Time: 1 pm
Ticket Price: 0
See more info >

Past Events

Crichton Foundation Autumn Lunch Sybelle Thomson and David Bartholomew | 18/11/2022
Crichton Conversation with Professor Kevin Shakesheff Professor Kevin Shakesheff | 17/01/2023
Crichton Conversation with Professor David Thomson PhD Professor David Thomson PhD | 23/03/2023
Crichton Conversation with Professor George Crooks OBE MBChB FRCP FRCGP Professor George Crooks OBE MBChB FRCP FRCGP | 06/12/2022
Crichton Conversation with Hamish McRae Hamish McRae | 11/10/22
Crichton Conversation with Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli FRSE AcSS Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli FRSE AcSS | 21/02/2023
Crichton Conversation with Professor Sir Charles Godfray CBE FRS Professor Sir Charles Godfray CBE FRS | 02/03/2023
Crichton Conversation with Professor Virginia Murray Professor Virginia Murray FFPH, FRCP, FFOM, FRCPath | 02/11/2021
Crichton Conversation with Bruce Adamson Bruce Adamson | 18/01/2022
Crichton Conversation with Dave Valentine MBE DipTP MRTPI Judith McClure CBE | 22/02/2022
Crichton Conversation with Professor Alison Phipps Professor Alison Phipps | 22/03/2022
Crichton Conversation with Professor Tina Barsby OBE Professor Tina Barsby OBE | 05/04/2022
Women of Dumfries and Galloway Lunch Cor Hutton and Kate Copstick | 17/06/2022
Women of Dumfries and Galloway Lunch Heather Currie and Rosemary Lenton | 05/05/2023
Crichton Conversation with Professor Peter Grant OBE Professor Peter Grant OBE FREng FRSE FIEE FIEEE FHEA | 07/11/2023
Crichton Conversation with Professor James Miller FRSE Professor James miller FRSE | 12/12/2023
Crichton Conversation with Professor Paul Gray Professor Paul Gray | 23/01/2024
Crichton Conversation with Dr Matthew Agarwala Dr Matthew Agarwala | 20/02/2024
Crichton Conversation with Professor Rex Taylor Professor Rex Taylor | 26/09/2024
Crichton Conversation with Dr Gary Gillespie FAcSS Dr Dr Gary Gillespie FAcSS | 26/11/2024
Crichton Conversation with Professor Roger Crofts Professor Roger Crofts | 11/12/2024
Crichton Conversation with Professor Virginia Murray FISC FRCP FRCPath FFPH FFOM Professor Virginia Murray | 16/01/2025
Crichton Conversation with Hamish McRae Hamish McRae | 16/02/2021
Annual General Meeting AGM | 22/09/2021
Crichton Conversation - CANCELLED Question Time Debate | 05/11/2019
Crichton Conversation - CANCELLED Professor Virginia Murray | 21/01/2020
Crichton Conversation with Caroline Millar Caroline Millar | 18/02/2020
Crichton Conversation with Dame Dierdre Hutton DBE Dame Dierdre Hutton DBE | 03/12/2019
Crichton Conversation with Professor Dame Anne Glover Professor Dame Anne Glover | 17/03/2020
Crichton Conversation with Professor Mark Shucksmith OBE Professor Mark Shucksmith OBE | 08/10/2019
Crichton Conversation with Professor Ted Cowan FRSE Professor Ted Cowan FRSE | 17/10/2019
Women of Dumfries and Galloway Lunch Jancis Robinson and Cor Hutton | 13/03/2020
Crichton Conversation with Dame Frances Cairncross DBE FRSE Frances Cairncross | 09/10/2018
Crichton Conversation with Professor Murray Pittock FRSE Professor Murray Pittock FRSE | 30/10/2018
Crichton Foundation Lunch Miranda Leslie and Colin Crosbie | 09/11/2018
Crichton Conversation with Alexander McCall Smith Alexander McCall Smith | 05/12/2018
Crichton Conversation with Allan Little Allan Little | 22/01/2019
Crichton Conversation with Nigel Miller Nigel Miller | 19/02/2019
Crichton Conversation with The Right Honourable James Wolffe QC The Right Honourable James Wolffe QC | 19/03/2019
Sir David Landale Prize 2020 | 18/04/2018
Crichton Conversation with Professor Lesley Sawers Professor Lesley Sawers | 03/10/2017
Crichton Conversation with Kenneth Ferguson Kenneth Ferguson B.Comm (Hons) CA MSc | 07/11/2017
St Andrew's Ceilidh | 17/11/2017
Conversation with Frank Field - POSTPONED Frank Field MP DL | 12/02/2018
Crichton Conversation with Dominic Mellor Dominic Mellor BVMS PhD DipECVPH MRCVS | 09/01/2018
Crichton Conversation with Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli FRSE AcSS | 06/02/2018
Crichton Conversation with Professor Colin Suckling and Professor Gerard Carruthers Professor Colin Suckling and Professor Gerard Carruthers | 20/03/2018
An Evening with Richard, Duke of Buccleuch and Charles Jencks Richard, Duke of Buccleuch and Charles Jencks | 06/12/2016
Crichton Conversation with Dr Jeffrey Hoffman Dr Jeffrey Hoffman | 21/07/2016
Crichton Conversation with James Hough Professor James Hough OBE FRS FRSE | 07/02/2017
Crichton Conversation with Michael Keating Professor Michael Keating | 04/10/2016
Crichton Conversation with Neil Baxter Neil Baxter Hon FRIAS | 01/11/2016
Crichton Conversation with Simon Pepper Simon Pepper OBE | 10/01/2017
Lunch with Hugh Pym Hugh Pym | 20/03/2017
Crichton Conversation with Colin Campbell Professor Colin Campbell | 23/02/2016
Crichton Conversation with Charles Munn Professor Charles Munn OBE | 02/02/2016
Crichton Conversation with David Strang David Strang QPM | 12/01/2016
Crichton Conversation with David Frost David Frost CMG | 06/10/2015
Crichton Conversation with Roger Crofts Professor Roger Crofts CBE | 27/10/2015
Gatsby Gala Encore Classic Jazz Orchestra | 06/11/2015
Crichton Conversation with Alice Brown Professor Alice Brown CBE | 01/12/2015
Lunch with Professor Ted Cowan Professor Ted Cowan | 10/03/2015
Roots, Heritage and Identity: a human need in a crazy and turbulent world. Kate Mavor | 03/02/2015