Crichton Foundation, Grierson House, Crichton University Campus, Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4ZE | 01387 203908  
Crichton Foundation > News > Uncategorized > Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic

Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic

During these uncertain times, we are unable to organise any fundraising events or process award applications from students. All other aspects of our operations are severely curtailed. As a result the Executive Committee have taken the decision to suspend all operations until further notice. This means we will be unable to accept or respond to letters, telephone calls or emails. This will take effect from the close of business on Thursday 2nd April 2020.

As you know, the 2020 Women of Dumfries and Galloway Lunch, that was due to take place on Friday 13th March, has been postponed. Those who had booked tickets will be advised of the details for the rescheduled date for the event as soon as this information becomes available. The ticket(s) you have purchased will be transferred to the new date.

These are difficult times for everyone and I very much hope that we will be able to get the Foundation open and running again before too long. We look forward to seeing you at our events once this horrible situation is behind us. We send our best wishes to all, please stay safe.

The Crichton Foundation Team

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