The Crichton Foundation was established in 2000 and are delighted to be celebrating their 25th anniversary in 2025. We hope you will help us mark this milestone by attending one of our events or supporting our charitable aims in whatever way you are able.
It is with great sadness we report the death of Arthur Jardine on Tuesday 7th January. Arthur was an important part of the Crichton Foundation since its inception in 2001. Initially as a member of the Crichton Foundation Board, he was later a member of our Awards Committee. Arthur was an enthusiastic supporter of our […]
Bookings are now being taken for the next Crichton Conversation. This will take place in the Duncan Rooms, Easterbrook Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4TA. Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli FRSE AcSS Thursday 20th February 2025, 7:30 pm (doors open 6:30 pm with tea and coffee available) ‘A University for the World’ – reflections on changes, challenges […]
Emergencies and disasters – how might we reduce their impacts? Thursday 16th January 2025, 7:30 – 9 pm (doors open 6:30 pm with tea and coffee available) Duncan Rooms, Easterbrook Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4TA
The Crichton Foundation is closed for the Festive Break from 19th December and will re-open on 6th January 2025. We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our supporters a Happy Christmas and all the best for 2025.
Huge congratulations to all of the new graduates who celebrated their achievements at the Crichton yesterday. The Crichton Foundation is very proud to have supported 46% of the new graduates. Extra special congratualtions go to Ellie Higginson, winner of the Sir David Landale Prize and Mara Shuttleworth, winner of the Evelyn Hastings Prize.
We have made some changes to the eligibility criteria for our awards. Check out the new details here
Dr Dr Gary Gillespie FAcSS Tuesday 26th November 2024, 7:30 pm Does structural economic change accelerate in time of crises? Are we in such a period and what does it imply for all parts of Scotland? We are delighted to welcome Dr Gary Gillespie to deliver the next Crichton Conversation. He will be joined by […]
Our Annual Report for 2023-2024 is now available to view or download here Annual Report 2023-2024
Notice of Annual General Meeting Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 5:30 pm We have pleasure in inviting you to attend our Annual General Meeting. The meeting will be held in Duncan Room 4, Easterbrook Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4TA. Tea and coffee will be available from 5pm. The number of elected, appointed and co-opted […]