The Crichton estate was bought by Dumfries and Galloway Council in 1995 and leased to the Crichton Trust, a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Since then the nationally important conservation estate has been redeveloped. The Crichton Trust carries out the day to day running of the estate. The Crichton Foundation works closely with the Crichton Trust.
The Foundation is works collaboratively with other institutions including Dumfries and Galloway College, University of Glasgow, University of West Of Scotland, the Open University in Scotland, Scotland’s Rural College and the Crichton Trust. In addition, the Crichton Foundation Convenor is part of the Crichton Campus Leadership Group (CCLG).
The Foundation welcomes applications for capital and revenue grants from the academic institutions, student associations or regeneration campus partners. Applications that involve collaborative work between institutions are particularly encouraged.
Applications must be submitted using the Campus Partner Funding Application form and applicants are welcome to contact the Foundation for guidance on completing the form. Applications can be made at any time during the academic year and are assessed at the next meeting of the Awards Committee.
The next deadline for submission of direct applications for funding to the Crichton Foundation is:
12 Noon – Monday 18th November 2024
The next meeting of the Awards Committee will be held on Wednesday 4th December 2024. All awards granted by the Foundation are made subject to the following conditions:
The deadline dates for submission of applications in 2024 are:
12 noon Monday 29th January
12 noon Tuesday 8th April
12 noon Monday 23rd September
12 noon Monday 18th November