**** PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE **** Due to the continuing debate about the Brexit Bill the Crichton Conversation with Frank Field MP, due to be held on Thursday 14th December 2017, has been postponed. This Conversation will now be held on Monday 12th February 2018 at 7.30pm in Easterbrook Hall. If you have already booked for the event […]
In case you missed the talk by Kenneth Ferguson on 7th November, here is a chance to look at his presentation Kenneth Ferguson presentation – Perfect Storm
Sir David Landale was the Chairman of the Crichton Endowment Trust which later became the Crichton Foundation. After his retiral as Convenor he became the Foundation’s Honorary President. Sir David played a vital role in establishing a university Campus at the Crichton and was a regular attender at Foundation events as well as a great […]
Most interesting and highly informative talk by Lesley for the opening lecture of the 2017 – 2018 Crichton Conversation series. Lesley encouraged those present to challenge their own beliefs towards inclusion. She reminded the audience that each and every one of us fall into one or more protected categories. Some of the stories and statistics […]
The new Crichton Conversations programme has been posted and we hope you have enjoyed browsing the events. All the details are also right here on our website and you can book places by returning the Booking Form or by phoning Kirsty or Pam in the office on 01387 702048. The opening lecture was excellent, don’t miss your place […]
It is with much regret we must announce the St Andrew’s Ceilidh has been cancelled.
Nominations are now open for the 2018 Sir David Landale Prize. For details of how to make a nomination click the link Sir David Landale Prize Application. Sir David Landale Prize 2018